Crouching Cat Statue on Marble Base
List Price: $795.00
Your Price: $550.00
You Save: $245.00 (31 %)
Item Number: 36394
* Whole number only
A cat watches attentively in this tabletop sculpture designed on a marble base. Cat is made of bronze. Dimensions: 12" x 18" x 10" Normally ships in 12-16 weeks. Please email for ordering information. If you need this produced for shipment to you, please be advised there is a 50% deposit we need to make to the factory to commence production. Delivery is 12-16 weeks because it ships via sea freight.
Cat Fun Facts
Did you know that cats will make excited chattering sounds when observing and stalking their prey like the birds for instance? Some scientists have found out that cats will also mimic the sounds of their prey. This shows that domesticated cats still retain their hunting instincts just like wildcats and those behaviors will surface from time to time. When a cat chatters, it does so in response to watching the bird chirp or make tweeting sounds. The cat will be seen to be fixated at the bird and will respond eventually by tweeting and chattering like the bird. Sometimes, the cat will also focus on the beak and begin to move its mouth as if like the bird.